Data & Business Context

Creating Lasting Outcomes With Cutting Edge Technologies

Product, City, Revenue Analysis

The product is reviewed on the basis of how well it is performing in various cities and its contribution towards revenue growth. The visual dashboarding helps in charting down the different factors adding in the performance or non-performance of the products in each city resulting in building a constructive plan for revenue generation.

 Product, City, Revenue Analysis

Inventory Management

Inventory management, a critical element of the supply chain, is the tracking of inventory from manufacturers to warehouses and from these facilities to a point of sale. The goal of inventory management is to have the right products in the right place at the right time, to prevent excessive inventory carrying cost, or stock-out situations.

Inventory Management

Customer Retention

Retention analysis (or survival analysis) is the process of analyzing user metrics to understand how and why customers churn. Retention analysis is key to gain insights on how to maintain a profitable customer base by improving retention and new user acquisition rates.

 Customer Retention

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