Data & Business Context

Creating Lasting Outcomes With Cutting Edge Technologies

ETP Water/Air Quality Management

Analyzing the toxicity released from each Effluent Treatment Plant into environment and drawing necessary solutions for curbing down the harmful effects. This analysis helps in understanding the Physical, Chemical, Biological characteristics of Water/Air based on the usage standards.

ETP Water/Air Quality Management

Bad Actor Analysis

Bad Actors are assets that are associated with frequent failures and high maintenance costs. These assets negatively impact the business and represent opportunities for improvement of asset performance in your organization. Using our innovative dashboards, you can identify the Bad Actors and create a strategy to improve the performance of these assets.

Bad Actor Analysis

Outage Analysis

Outage is an interruption or failure in the supply of power specially electricity. The period during which power is lost or a stoppage in the functioning of a machine due to a power cut. This analysis track outages, predict their most likely source and share information across your utility. Reducing the duration of individual outages and lower duration averages by identifying various outage locations.

Outage Analysis

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