

The packaging company is one of the largest producers of high-quality folding cartons working with customers across industry segments. With more than fifty years of experience in the printing and packaging industry, they combine their technical expertise with market insights to deliver customized solutions that exceed customer expectations.


Our client is one of India’s leading packaging solutions providers with a long list of cliental from across the sectors which means generation of vast data on day-to-day basis. Like any manufacturing company, structuring the operational data for smooth functioning of whole business eco-system is on topmost priority. Listing down the challenges faced by the company before implementing Qlik.

  • Organizing the Unstructured Data: The packaging company's data was very unstructured, no modelling principles used, no optimization and all the data has undergone through numbers of hieratical changes which has led to duplication and slowness.
  • Duplication of Data: As stated above, the rate for duplication of data in the company was very high and around 85 % of their data was duplicated which was leading to exploitation resource overhead and time as well.
  • Slow: Due to duplication of data the loading time of each application was increased drastically user needs to wait for minutes for data to load on interface.
  • Missing valuable information: Since all data at the company was in tabular form it was very hard for them to visualize and associate the performance matrices to its best.
  • Data islands: The whole data is in form of data island (i.e.) no keys, no association thus it was very challenging to build proper model with valid keys.

Company Profile



About Qlik


Qlik is a leader in data discovery delivering intuitive solutions for self-service data visualization and guided analytics. Over 34,000 customers rely on Qlik solutions to gain meaning out of information from varied sources, exploring the hidden relationships within data that lead to insights that ignite good ideas.


The Solution

  • It is becoming crucial for the manufacturing companies to manage distributed resources in real-time to facilitate the collaboration and integration of people, data and business systems. Old methods of data integration were acting as the obstruction in the business growth for our client. Bulk data generation from all the departments were churned manually resulting in inaccurate as well as missing data.
  • Opting for an advanced analytics platform like Qlik sense has enabled the organization to deploy market-leading solutions to manage complex manufacturing and process control solutions. Qlik opened the pathways to manage and maintain the bulk data getting accumulated every day. The issues faced by the packaging company like Unstructured data and Data duplication caused delay is loading even minute reports causing frequent server crashes and procrastinating the whole business process.
  • Incremental loading was again a major concern, meaning only loading the records that have changed as opposed to doing a full load of all the data. If they had problem with one batch, others queue up behind it until they corrected them all. Qlik analysis took care of the process and allowed the full load of every day data including all the alterations happened to the older as well as fresh data within seconds.
  • Missing data due to tabular form of data entry were tracked down with the help of Qlik, this aided in speeding the data analysis and comprehensively studying the sales and profitability reports in a drilldown manner.
  • Qlik has boosted the complete business process by applying the effective solutions to the scattered data present into the system, filling in the gaps and shaping up the processes.
www.diagonal.ai / ping@diagonal.ai / Mumbai, Bangalore, Delhi

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